Far too often the importance of roof flashing or washer boxes are forgotten and though these products are important and should be included in every home you are probably wondering what these two types of products have in common. The common denominator is that they are included among a trusted line of Oatey products. Oatey has a wide variety of products available from plumbing to roofing to solder.
As a company, Oatey prides themselves in offering a wide selection of products to appeals to a large variety of people. Oatey products not only aim to commercials customers but also to residential customers.
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Oatey Plumbing Products
Oatey is a company with wide range that has over 6,000 plumbing products available. Their list of products includes washer pans, twist lock gripper rings, and roof flashing. Oatey designs their products to be universal for wider application and convenience. PVC rain or shine pipe cement is available that can be used on rain gutters or for your sprinkler system to be sure you have a securely connected system. Also another essential Oatey product available is their PVC primer, which will prepare the pipe to be glued and a leak detector that will check your pipe system for leaks before you put it to use.
Washer Boxes
Every washing machine is connected to the hot and cold water through valves. Where this connection takes place there is usually a plastic box that surrounds the valves. This plastic surround is known as the washer box and serve the purpose of easy access to the water valves as well as protection to the surrounding sheetrock around the valves. The washer boxes are available in different shapes and sizes depending on the needs of the box.
Not only is the plastic surround included with the purchase of a washer box, but also the valves that are needed to connect the washing machine into the main line. These valves can come in PEX or IPS connection so you can coordinate according to your existing plumbing system. Oatey products include washer boxes including the hammer arrestors or just the plastic surround depending on your needs. Also available from Oatey are their ice maker boxes which are similar to the washer boxes in that it includes the valve and the plastic surround.
Oatey Roof Flashing
Another great line of products available at PlumbersStock are Oatey flashings. A roof flashing is designed to fit in holes that are needed for ventilation and other purposes. Venting through the roof is often your best option and you always want to make sure you do it safely and properly. The flashing fits into the roof to provide an extra level of protection against leaks around the holes. Oatey roof flashings offer a great selection of options so you can be sure to find the right part that you need for your roof.
Buy Oatey Products Wholesale Online
Products offered by Oatey are provided to make your plumbing most efficient with the option of getting all your products from one manufacturer. So whether you are looking to glue pipe together are for a washer pan for your washing machine, Oatey is sure to have it. With the largest selection of plumbing product in the industry their products are available wholesale at PlumbersStock.com at an excellent price. Save on the best in plumbing supply. Learn more at Oatey.com.